COVID-19 Protocols


Return to work – New Clinic Procedures in Respect of Covid-19

As per the safety guidelines set by the BC college of massage therapists and the Provincial Health Organization, all clients must 1) complete a COVID-19 self assessment survey and 2) understand the safety protocols implemented at our office prior to their massage. These protocols were developed with the goal of reducing the risk of exposure to the virus that causes Covid-19 for the safety of the clients and therapists within our clinical setting. The Protocols will be updated as needed.

Self-Assessment for Symptoms of Covid-19: For Clients & Therapists

Pre-Screening / Prior to Arrival

• All clients will be emailed a COVID-19 Self-Assessment Survey 48 hours prior to their appointment and one verbal survey at the time of your appointment.

  • If you have answered ‘Yes’ to any of the emailed survey questions your therapist will call you for more information.

  • On the day of your massage we will do another self-assessment at the clinic prior to your treatment. If you present with any symptoms at the time of your appointment your treatment will be cancelled immediately.

• All of our therapists have committed to use the COVID-19 Self-Assessment tool daily and to cancel all appointments if any symptoms appear.

• Symptoms of Covid-19 are similar to other respiratory illnesses and seasonal allergies. An appointment must be cancelled immediately if either the client or the therapist presents with even mild symptoms that may be signs of Covid-19 including: Fever, Cough, Chills, Shortness of breath, Sore throat or pain with swallowing, Stuffy or runny nose, Loss of sense of smell, Headache, Muscle aches, Fatigue and Loss of appetite. Cancellation fees will not be in effect for any cancellation due to illness.

• Clients must confirm that they have not been in contact with anyone displaying illness, or signs and symptoms of Covid-19 within 14 days prior to their treatment.

• Clients must confirm that they have not travelled outside British Columbia within 14 days prior to their appointment.

• Clients with higher risk profiles and/or weakened immune systems should consider alternatives for care and postpone treatment.

Physical Distancing

Reception Area / Entry into Clinic Space

• Clients are asked to arrive on time - not early or late for appointments.

• It is required that clients wait outside the clinic or in their vehicle until the therapists comes to the clinic door to call them in.  

• The clinic door will be opened for the client by your therapist and then you will be walked to the restroom where you can wash your hands with soap and water before entering the treatment room.

Masks are mandatory in the office for both therapists and clients, if you have a mask please bring it with you.  If you do not have a mask, we can supply one for $1.25.  Your mask will be worn when entering the clinic and during your assessment, you can pull down your mask while in the face down position (prone) on the table then put it back over your nose and mouth when turning over on your back (supine) or sideline position.  For your safety, your therapist will keep her mask on at all times.

• Clients are not permitted to sit in the clinic reception area before or after the treatment.

• Appointment times are staggered to allow for time in between appointments for enhanced cleaning.

Within the Treatment Room

• Everything in the treatment room will be completely disinfected before each massage; all linens, including table covers are taken off the massage table to be washed in hot soapy water, the table is then sprayed with an unscented government approved COVID-19 disinfectant along with all other touchable surfaces including door handles, counter, stool, light switches and our massage lotion dispensers.

• We ask that all of your belongings, including clothing, are put on the chair so that it can be easily disinfected after.

• When the massage has ended your therapist will use a clean hand towel to open the door and then wash her hands while you are getting dressed.  The therapist will then come back into the room and go over any home-care recommendations, take care of your bookings and complete contactless payment inside the room. Receipts for the treatment will be emailed.

 • We will end your 5-star service by walking you back to the restroom to wash your hands and then we’ll hold the clinic door as you leave to help keep your hands clean.

Avoid Face Touching

• The therapist will communicate with the client the importance of not touching your face, eyes or nose to help reduce infection.

• Hand sanitizer and tissue and will be available throughout the clinic: in the reception area, treatment room and washroom in order that clients and therapists may use tissue to address an itch and/or touch the face for any other reason.

Enhanced Cleaning

• Our restroom will have proper hand washing guidelines posted and all touchable surfaces will be disinfected after each use.

• A bin for hand towels has been placed next to the restroom door so that after you use the hand towel to dry your hands, use it to open the door, and then discard it in the bin before re-entering the clinic space.

 • To ensure that we can properly disinfect between clients your treatment time will include taking care of your payment.

• All high touched surfaces will be cleaned and disinfected between clients. High touch surfaces include (but are not limited to): Light switches, door knobs, POS machine, electronic devices, table surfaces, chairs, stools, faucets, etc.

•The treatment table, table levers, face cradle and lotion bottles will be disinfected immediately after each treatment.

 • Our heating pads have been put inside a waterproof pillowcase that can be disinfected, then a regular pillowcase is put on top and changed between each client.

Informed Consent

In the current environment of Covid-19 risk, informed consent requires that the client be informed and understands that:

• Any massage therapy treatment involves some risk of Covid-19 transmission;

• The therapist is following protocol to help reduce or mitigate risk where possible, but that risk cannot be reduced to zero;

• The client consents to the treatment despite some risk;

• And the therapist will document the patient’s consent in advance at every treatment.